• Blog

Projects for CheckiO

Open Source Projects on CheckiO, new JS missions, cool solutions, new Python, Editor’s Choice Mode, new survey
2016/09/20 12:10

CheckiO ClassRoom and more

ClassRoom, Editor's choice, CheckiO Survey
2016/09/13 10:25

Python 3.6a3 and how can we make Open Source community stronger

Now you can enjoy Python version 3.6a3. We also want to ask you if you want some more 3rd party modules. Open Source projects for CheckiO users.
2016/07/27 09:55

Release is Coming

We are working hard on the new version of CheckiO, so today we have some very brief updates for you.
2016/07/13 10:50

JS and PY updates for you

Support of third party modules for Python and start testing the brand new version of CheckiO for JavaScript coders
2016/06/30 09:10

Monthly. Faster. Random Review by Email

Monthly, Random-Review by email, Web Plugin, Email Notifications
2016/05/05 10:20

New Monthly Leaderboard

We have a few updates for you! Check them out. Monthly Leaderboard updates. New features updates. Community updates
2016/04/01 16:18

More missions and more translations

IP network: route summarization, The Most Frequent Weekdays and Making Change
2016/03/22 12:40

Monthly Leaderboard Reincarnation

new Leaderboard and how to get on top, brand new mission announcements, and this new thing called CheckiO Projects where you can put your coding skills to work for companies at TechStars.
2016/03/02 09:07

It is time to become awesome

It is time to become awesome
2016/02/16 23:14

PyCharm and CheckiO

This week we’re launching a really awesome project off which we think you will like!
2015/10/23 21:59

Eating Black Holes

And we're back with a fresh baked mission straight from the community! So everyone get ready, because we're gonna serve you up something awesome!
2015/10/08 20:24

The Currency of Bits

two new mission
2015/09/21 16:59

"Safe Pawns" Review

Today we will take a look at one of CheckiO's Chess missions "Safe Pawns". I hope you've heard about the ancient game Chess by now. In this mission we will take a closer look at the weakest but most numerous (and maybe even dangerous) chess piece: pawns.
2015/06/01 04:57
by bryukh

Empire of Code - Space Strategy Game from CheckiO

Empire of Code: Announcement
2015/05/28 07:43

Interesting & Cool Python Projects

Interesting and Cool python projects
2015/05/20 08:51

"The Best Number Ever" Review

The mission is simple. Write a function that returns any number. But try to describe why your number is the best. For example, Sheldon Cooper from The Big Bang Theory thinks that 73 is the best number ever and he can explain why.
2015/05/15 12:30

PyGame & Python: Writing your first game

PyGame & Python: Writing your first game
2015/05/13 15:02

"Verify Anagrams" Review

An anagram is a type of word play, the result of rearranging the letters of a word or phrase to produce a new word or phrase, using all the original letters exactly once. Two words are anagrams to each other if we can get one from another by rearranging the letters. You are given two words or phrase. Try to verify are they anagrams or not.
2015/05/08 09:32
by bryukh

Choosing the Best Python IDE

Choosing the Best Python IDE
2015/05/06 09:44
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