• CheckiO is ready for a New Year


Hi, guys!

I want to wish all CheckiO users a Happy New Year full of new achievements and inventions. To those who are just starting to learn the language, I wish to become a confident programmer next year, and to those who are already confident - to actively use their knowledge in practice and get feedbacks on their work.

This wasn’t an easy year for CheckiO. We’ve tried hard to please our users with new updates all year long. We’ve significantly improved the ClassRooms and we’ll continue our work, launched the first Escher’s Event-Island, tried to make CheckiO as convenient and user-friendly as possible, re-launched the console client for CheckiO, significantly improved the plug-ins for Chrome and FireFox, improved integration with PyCharm, and soon there will be an integration with WebStorm. Many new missions.

And all this would not have happened without your support, without people who are constantly giving us feedbacks on the new challenges, who are sending translations for tasks in various languages ​​or adding a visual parts to missions, who are adding their own unique solutions to the existing tasks.

Of course, I want to thank our sponsors, JetBrains, their PyCharm editor always remains the best for Python developers. Pramp - with the help of which you can practice going through the interview and increase your self-confidence before a real one. SendGrid - the leading email API platform. As well as users whose contribution allows us to focus all our efforts on the platform development.

In the next year we promise there are more to come. We are going to released the new version of Empire of Code, create online courses in Python and JavaScript, and a lot of other things. It’ll certainly be interesting.

Happy New Year and new accomplishments to you!

We also have some great news! Now if you update the checkio-client, then you’ll be able to open a file in your local code editor right from your browser by clicking on the link and that file will be synchronized with the editor in the browser.

Make sure to solve the new mission created by Phil15:

The mission is called “Inertia” and here your task is to find a route which will allow you to collect all of the gems on a rectangular icefield without stepping on a mine.

Also we wanted to let you know that the solutions for the mission presented in the previous newsletter, the “Net Game”, are already open.

These two missions are quite difficult, but solving them till the 1st of January 2019 might significantly increase your chances of becoming the leader of the last month of 2018. Good luck!

    Check out our selection of interesting articles just for you:
  • An awesomely vivid Comprehensive Python Cheatsheet you certainly would want to have in your back pocket.
  • Awesome Python Applications is an always-growing list of 195 open-source Python applications arranged by topic, with links to repositories, docs, and more. It’s not just the opportunity to find out what Python is capable of and take a look under the hood, but also to take part in their creation in the future.
  • Homemade Machine Learning represents a repository with examples of popular machine learning algorithms implemented in Python with mathematics behind them being explained. Each algorithm has interactive Jupyter Notebook demo that allows you to play with training data, algorithms configurations and immediately see the results, charts and predictions right in your browser.

The users who’ve made the TOP 3 this month are mortonfox, przemyslaw.daniel, and JohanL. Great work, guys! Keep on coding!

Little by little CheckiO is starting to grow and now we have an opportunity to add a new Content-Hero and the Mission-Creation-Monster into our team part-time. Are you interested? Then fill in this simple form so we could find out a little bit more about you and how we can get in touch.

Welcome to CheckiO - games for coders where you can improve your codings skills.

The main idea behind these games is to give you the opportunity to learn by exchanging experience with the rest of the community. Every day we are trying to find interesting solutions for you to help you become a better coder.

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