• Meet our autumn top player!

Who could have missed the (October) news? Veky was our top player in October - scoring level after badge after ... more badges? And I got the chance to interview one of my favorite faces of the CheckiO forum. Veky answered like only he could answer. Here we go:

How did you learn about CheckiO?


How long have you been on the platform?


What do you like about CheckiO?

["nice community", "diverse tasks",​ "helpful staff", ...]

You are pretty active in the forum, what do you focus on when you look at solutions from other players?

criteria.default = Python.knowledge if author.skill <= Novice else intent.​clarity

When do you play most?

for moment in filter(idle, lifetime): 

What kind of challenges do you like most?

from math import *​

If you'd be a character in a game, who/what would you be?

try: input("What kind of game?")
​except NoAnswer: random.choice​

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The main idea behind these games is to give you the opportunity to learn by exchanging experience with the rest of the community. Every day we are trying to find interesting solutions for you to help you become a better coder.

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