• Python version upgrade. What's new.

checkio python

Hi guys!

As you all might already know, the CheckiO team is always trying to be up to date and monitor all of the knew things happening in the world of Python, so that your experience with our resource was the most fulfilling one.

In this blog post we wanted to let you know that we’ve managed to update the Python version that’s being used on CheckiO. Not so long ago we’ve published an article on data classes in which we were talking about the new DataClass functionality released in Python 3.7 in comparison with Python 2, and we are glad to announce that all of that can now be used on CheckiO as well. Thus, if you had some solution ideas and data classes were a must, it’s high time to publish those babies, my friends (and by the way, you can share links to those solutions in comments and we’ll check the, out).

For those who still haven’t figure out what’s so thrilling about this new version, we won’t be simply repeating the already existing documentation. You can read all about the Python 3.7 and its new featured in the following article.

You can also check out the Python 3.7 modules that CheckiO is currently supporting.

We are alway open for any questions and suggestions, so feel free to leave your feedback in the comments below.

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