• True Python

python blogs

Hi guys,

The New Year is coming and as a New Year gift I have a very cool insight for you. We all know veky by his awesome and creative solutions through which you can learn a lot just by figuring out how do they work.

The big news is that veky starts doing his own blog called "True Python". If you love Python as much as I do you should definitely check out his posts. We will keep our eyes on his blog and update you in our newsletter if something new will be published there.

I also go through the blogs of our current active users. If you didn't know you can leave a link to your blog in the settings and it will be shown on your profile page.

Here are some other CheckiO bloggers you might also want to check out. Since they all are the high level CheckiO Players you can be confident that they are truly passionate about Python.

CounterSparta and his blog "Errors should never pass silently" where he is writing not only about Python but also Git, PostgreSQL, VirtualBox etc.

lancelote’s blog is a mix of Russian and English articles. He posts about learning Python and web development.

gileadslostson and his blog "Disordered Observations", which is about Python and data with love.

treyhunner keeps a blog where you can learn a lot about Python and Django.

asigachev84 and his blog "Dont Fragment" is all about Python and system administration.

This is it for know. I wish you all a Happy New Year! We have a lot of plans for 2018, so stay with us, you’ll not want to miss it.

PS: If you are playing CheckiO and have your own blog, feel free to leave your comments here.

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