• This weekend’s missions: Text Editor, Microwave Ovens and Supply Line

Hi, guys!

You just have to check out the latest tricky missions:

The first mission was created by likewind and is called the "Text Editor". Here you'll have to create a text editor prototype that has a version control system and for this you can use the Memento design pattern.

The second one created by likewind is the "Microwave Ovens" mission where your task is to create a remote control for 3 microwave ovens using the Bridge design pattern.

And the third is the "Supply Line" mission created by kurosawa4434. Here you need to find a supply line on the hex grid map.

Also check out the leaderboard of this month for the new challenges!

Last but not least, our congrats to the winner of June 2018 - flpo - you are undeniably Awesome!

P.S. From now on we have new rules concerning the monthly leaders - the user can be a winner only once and after that he's being removed from the monthly leaderboard and finds his way to the Honor Page.

Welcome to CheckiO - games for coders where you can improve your codings skills.

The main idea behind these games is to give you the opportunity to learn by exchanging experience with the rest of the community. Every day we are trying to find interesting solutions for you to help you become a better coder.

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