• CheckIO and Job Search


Hi everybody,

At this moment I'm looking for a new Job as Python programmer.

I want to suggest a new feature on CheckIO. It can be a good feature for CheckIO users that are looking for new job (like me), to have the option to check some field on the profile (I'm available for hire), so everyone can see that you are available to work on new projects.

I think CheckIO is a great platform to put in contact user who want new jobs, with users who knows business or freelancers who requires new python developers.

I came from Java, C++ and PHP, so I have contact with people that work with those programming languages. Almost everyone on CheckIO loves python (http://www.checkio.org/mission/i-love-python/publications/category/clear/), and anyone can look at your code, so CheckIO can be a great place to make new Pythonist contacts. I know that github already have this option, but It will be great to make it possible on this python community.

Maybe anyone can check the option "I'm available for hire" but only those that solve certain missions, can show a badge, or a special icon in their avatar.

What do you think?
