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Member for 6 years, 2 months, 27 days
Difficulty Advanced
I was a math teacher in France for two years. I'm currently reconverting to IT, I'm here to improve my Python skills, and practice English.

Best reviews / Newest reviews
4 clear lines: next(possible points generator)-Phil15
We can do it in three lines without import math.hypot, but with complex numbers: a little less clear IMO. grid = lambda N: ([i,j] for i in range(N) for j in range(N)) test = lambda i, j, probes: all(round(abs(i-x+(j-y)*1j)) == d for x,y,d in probes) checkio = lambda previous: next(c for More
abs(d1-d2).days #work so this too return abs(date(*date1) - date(*date2)).days # then eventually days_diff = lambda date1, date2: abs(date(*date1) - date(*date2)).days More
[numpy] 9-liner: Math magic with Markov chain-Phil15 1
**Few explanations...** (I won't write a mathematical article for it) _Mathematically:_ P is the transition matrix of the markov chain involved here. _In english:_ P[i,j] is the probability to go to j from i with one dice roll. M is the same thing as P with a ban on going through target. **1/(I- More
1-liner: three uses of itertools, one counter-Phil15
For those who think it is not a real 1-liner: imports can be made inline and "def return" can be made "lambda". Without sacrificing clarity. aggregate_and_count = lambda iterable, Counter=__import__('collections').Counter, it=__import__('itertools'): Counter(it.chain.from_iterable(it.starmap(it More
Even if you reinvent the wheel (it's not recommended like Veky said)... Lines 6-8 can be one simple line: ints[i], ints[i+1] = ints[i+1], ints[i] And while loop should be a for loop here. More
Neighboring coordinates?-Phil15
Same thing, shorter! Without test of enough letters, and a shorter last part. Not enough readable IMO, that's why I kept my code like it is. from itertools import product def hypercube(array, word='hypercube'): coord_letters = {letter: [] for letter in word} for i, row in en More
recurse-ojisan 1
No need to put parenthesis around the thing to return, just `return result`, it's not a function. if ...: return ... # else: # no need of else since return stop the function. return ... No need to make a list to sum elements sum([next(n,depth+1,weight*m) for n,m in branch More
+8 is not enough for this task =)-Kolia951
As the mission author, I receive emails about new solutions and saw the title of your solution and I'm glad you liked my task. =) More
First_colin_the_warlords-colinmcnicholl 1
First bravo you have done it, it was a long way to go... Interesting. Lines 12-15. Fight functions are too big IMO, I prefered put more logic in warrior class for simplify fights functions. You can refactoring your code with **for example** replace all any([isinstance(unit, Warlord) for unit More
Hi! Found that weird marked = marked|set().union(*newly_marked) # Instead I suggest marked = marked.union(*newly_marked) # or if update the set "marked" IN-PLACE is okay (I think it is) : marked.update(*newly_marked) and indexed_circles = [(index, circle) for index, circ More
No need of sum lists: Counter(ring for cube in cubes for ring in sides(cube)) I did a sum at first too. More
One liner-petr.synek.phd 1
Well if `i != 0` then `i - 1 >= 0` "1" if val == line[max(0, i - 1)] and i != 0 else "0" str(int(i != 0 and val == line[i - 1])) More
It's not 3rd party. Plus # You do not use the index i but a[i] and b[i]. def hamming(a, b): return sum(s != t for s, t in zip(str(a), str(b))) def is_doublet(numbers): # something with zip too to avoid the use of "i". More
Too long-mlhardy.mh
def match(comp, test): count = 0 # you do not use the index j but comp[j] and test[j] for c, t in zip(comp, test): if c == t: count += 1 # "count == 2" is already True or False, return it return count == 2 # or def match More
My first real yield generator: recursively generates partitions/dices until we have solution (if it exists).-Phil15
### I am particularly proud of my partition generator. _I think it is really beautiful thing!_ I noticed with other codes that "test(i,j)" can be replaced by "(i>j)-(iMore
List/Dict comprehension is good def convert(grid, points): return {grid[i][j].lower(): (i,j) for i,j in points} path = [(i, j) for i, row in enumerate(grid) for j, cell in enumerate(row) if cell.lower() == check[0]] Your count variable is a li More
Sol. with explanations-davydavi 1
First I don't see the point of pandas here (and it's a bit curious to me you can import it ^^). Your DN you entirely write can be easier. from string import digits, ascii_uppercase DN[L] can be replaced by (digits+ascii_uppercase).index(L) (and then forgot DN) You should consider learn li More
9-liner: BFS-Phil15
I noticed that it's faster with `(speed + 1, speed, speed - 1)` than with `(speed - 1, speed, speed + 1)`. It makes sense: acceleration prefered to deceleration. `0 < s <= end - pos` is shorter and equivalent to `pos < pos + s <= end` (new_pos is between pos and end). More
You can annotate with nearly whatever you want, but here `int` annotation is not useful, and `list` annotation is (useless and) just wrong in the sense that "map" returns an object that is not a list at all. "max" returns an integer (because "lnumber" is an iterable of integers), hence no need to c More
Ascending List-cc41516
return items == sorted(items) and len(set(items)) == len(items) is really enough. More
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