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Member for 6 years, 7 months, 4 days
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Nice, simple, efficient. Why not adding some comments? More
Great, efficient, why not adding some comments More
Linear solution-brubru777
Nice solution for category 'Clear', but is it fast (category 'Speedy')? More
By the power of CRT... REVEAL THE TRUTH!-psykosh
Absolutely, no need for 8 attemps More
7-liner: what's your magic number?-przemyslaw.daniel 1
Are you sure that magic=3 works with any kind of topology? More
That's definitely creative, I like it More
Very interesting, the age function is quite complex, a simple comparison of the year was sufficient as it was January 1st. Still this version is very impressive as it would work with any other date. More
21-liner: piece of cake-przemyslaw.daniel
Excellent code: clear, efficient. More
30-liner: supersonic-przemyslaw.daniel
Definitely impressive fast code. More
Unique neighbors and small paths search-Phil15 1
Thanks a lot for this very interesting mission and also for this great solution. I like the idea of combining what you call brute_force which looks more like obvious_short_paths too me and the other function. I am unsure you needed to set to '3' the limit between small/big paths. You can probably j More
Distance sorting-Rounin
Great ideas and nice code. A few enhancements proposal: acceptableSquares[len(acceptableSquares)-1] In Python, you don't have to compute the length to get the last element: acceptableSquares[-1], which is shorter and more efficient. if len(acceptableSquares) > 0 Here as well, a list is True as More
I think it's very concise and pythonistic solution though obviously not really optimal from complexity perspective-Max_Kviatkouski
Great idea, python sort allows you to use tuples so you can just put you two criterias one after the other: (-items.count(i), items.index(i)) More
1-liner: double lambda-przemyslaw.daniel
Obviously the nicest solution for me More
1-liner: no if statement-przemyslaw.daniel 1
I like the double use of the 'type(data) is list' to generate the default value More
This code works even if test code from web make it crash-Ylliw 1
Use of 'hypot' from test code is a bad idea. With some values like (6,9), (9,0) and target (0,2), the result is incorrect: distance( (6,9) to (0,2) = sqrt(6^2+7^2)=sqrt(85) distance( (9,0) to (0,2) = sqrt(9^2+2^2)=sqrt(85) so distances are equal but hypot(6,7)=9.219544457292887 hypot(9,2)=9.21954445 More
This is fast, but it fails sometimes. When I test it with all possible combinations, first fail was with goal in (0,9) and start in (2,0), More
Second: Extra Fast-Ylliw
After reviewing the very nice solution of [Flpo](https://py.checkio.org/mission/colder-warmer/publications/flpo/python-3/first/), I wanted to clean my code using the operator ideas. I also wanted to make the code faster as I was disapointed that trying to 'think' to a good candidate turned to be slo More
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