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Guido van Rossum
Last seen 8 years ago
Member for 11 years, 1 month, 16 days
Difficulty Normal
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A* implementation-altarfinch
def getAdjNode(node): I'd use 'adjacent' in full in the function name. More
A* implementation-altarfinch
return (row,state[row].index(elem)) I'd rewrite this whole thing as follows: for row, line in enumerate(state): col = line.find(elem) if col >= 0: return row, col That's one more line of code, but it's more readable and less wasteful (your solutio More
A* implementation-altarfinch
#get position of an element in an array That's a pretty poor description. This function finds the (row, col) position of an element in a puzzle state (represented as a 2-dimensional array). More
A* implementation-altarfinch 1
bestF = bestNode.f() Using a new feature of min(), you can write this entire function as follows: return min(openSet.values(), key=lambda node: node.f()) This will call f() the minimal number of times. It may also make sense to turn f() -- by whatever name -- into a module-le More
A* implementation-altarfinch
pos = getPos(b,a[row][col]) Have you heard of tuple unpacking? If you write this as target_row, target_col = getPos(b, a_row_col) you can avoid indexing in the next line, using targer_row instead of pos[0] and target_col instead of pos[1]. More
A* implementation-altarfinch
for col in range(len(a[0])): If you rewrite these two loops as for row, a_row in enumerate(a): for col, a_row_col in enumerate(a_row): you can use a_row_col instead of a[row][col] on the next line, which saves a bunch of indexing. More
A* implementation-altarfinch
def euclidianCost(a,b): PEP 8 prefers names like euclidian_cost. More
A* implementation-altarfinch 1
def f(self): Another bad choice of name. What's the point of writing a program if it's hard to read? (I know, if you just want the solution, it doesn't matter. But if you want to brag about your code, it does. :) More
A* implementation-altarfinch
#global cost Have you heard of docstrings? More
A* implementation-altarfinch
def __init__(self, state, previous, g, h, dir): Wow. Very poor choice of names for 'g' and 'h'. More
A* implementation-altarfinch
END = [[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,0]] If you use a tuple of tuples intead of a list of lists to represent the puzzle state, a number of things become easier: e.g. you can use the state directly as a dict key rather than its str(), and you don't have to use deepcopy() to create a modified state. More
A* implementation-altarfinch
1]} You really should be using tuples instead of lists for the coordinates. More
A* implementation-altarfinch 3
I had a hard time deciding on the vote. On the plus side, this is a fairly complex algorithm and the implementation is correct as far as I can verify. It also illustrates the A* algorithm nicely. On the minus side, the code is riddled with poor style (pep8.py gave me *44* error message for this file More
Dijkstra's Forever !-Miaou 10
def checkio(labyrinth): # I'm definetely a fan of Dijkstra's (!!!) Funny, Dijkstra is a person, but you seem to be using his name exclusively to refer the algorithm he published. :-) # Object oriented Dijkstra: each cell contains 3 fields # (and I will More
Dynamic Selection-PositronicLlama 1
return approach.min_diff(stones) For extra points, you could run both solutions in parallel threads and stop whenever the first one is done. More
Dynamic Selection-PositronicLlama 1
approach = min(ALGORITHMS, key=lambda algorithm: algorithm.time(stones)) This is cute, but you don't know if the time functions give calibrated results -- the constant factors could be quite different for the two algorithms. I guess it doesn't matter too much, as long as it selects the More
Dynamic Selection-PositronicLlama 1
''' It's pretty random that you're using ''' for the docstring here and """ elsewhere. I recommend using """ everywhere for docstrings. Also, my favorite formatting puts the text on the same line as the opening """, *and* puts the closing """ on the same line if (and *only* if) there's More
Dynamic Selection-PositronicLlama 1
best = math.floor(total / 2) You can use // again here. You can then remove "import math" from your code -- I always get a little sad seeing the (floating-point) math module imported by code that fundamentally deals with integers. More
Dynamic Selection-PositronicLlama 1
table[index(x, y)] = v PS. I'm not going to verify that this actually works; I'd get a headache. I trust that this is what Wikipedia told you to do. :-) More
Dynamic Selection-PositronicLlama 1
for x, s in enumerate(stones, 1): Your choice to start x at 1 seems odd -- in the code below, "x - 1" occurs twice while "x" alone occurs only once. More