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Kristoffel Pirard
Last seen 4 years ago
Member for 9 years, 10 months, 7 days
Difficulty Normal
Best reviews / Newest reviews
First-DanielDou 9
Quite clear and very pragmatic, to say the least. Using a string representation for the combos makes your code very (human) readable. I wonder, is it possible to reduce line 12-13 to something more readable for a, b, c in combos: if x[a] == x[b] == x[c] and x[a] in "XO": This becomes More
Using groupby-nickie 4
I love it when solutions teach me about existing library functions! Sharp and concise, this is! More
First-Sim0000 3 1
Unknown operations return zero in this implementation - It's more correct to raise an error (KeyError would be ok). More
First-panaro32 2 1
Great functional style! You could write `set([x])` as `{x}`. More
range-Cjkjvfnby 1 1
nice one! The `zip` doesn't add much, though - you can just as well hand-zip it, and keep the relation between divider and key: `x, name in [(3, "Fizz"), (5, "Buzz")] More
List filter-Lumy 1
Nice and dense. You don't _have_ to make it a list, if you use the `sum(1 for w in ....)` idiom. This way you can count iterators without memory limitations. More
First-hanpari 1 1
Smart, to work with the `scope` intermediary. Smart trick to filter for `x or y`. On the other hand, I had a hard time understanding the flow within your `for b, a in around:`. It's probably easier to understand if you introduce a new variable for the new `row, col`, like `row, col = x + a, y + b More
First-peter_parada 1 1
Great! Dispatching separated from function! I'm just wondering why you `return` a value from each of your functions... More
GOL via set-hanpari 1 1
Quite a find, to represent the sparse matrix as a series of living-cell-coordinates. It matches the problem greatly! It reads like a fairy tale. Or a poem if you prefer. Am I mistaken if I say that the runtime complexity is quite big, however? Take a grid xxx x.x xxx -> the center More
At first glance, this one looks really great! Certainly a zero clutter solution! At second glance, my unit tests fail on it. That's because the type of the incoming data is changed into a list of tuples. The `==` doesn't care about the type. The unittest `self.assertEqual` does. So why not be More
Fill a Zero-huterD
Why bother with all these different dimension combinations? Just keep the empty one and the general one, and you're done. More
Hah! Finally someone like me :). I daresay I feel relieved I'm the only one not thinking `set` when thinking of Conway's game of Life. More
Counter-gyahun_dash 2
Darn... it took me a while to wrap my head around the `freqs` spell, but now I can happily start 2015. It is neat how it reverses the way I think about it. More
The functional style greatly appeals me. The oneliner style does not at all. More
First-xiongbiao 1
Interesting that you would pick the second char of the command to base your decision upon. What happens when you introduce a "CUT " command...? You can omit the `len` test: if l: del l[0] More
Functionally correct, but it's an anti-pattern to if predicate: return True else: return False Returning the predicate directly reduces the amount of nested blocks, and thus yields shorter _and_ clearer code: return any(l.isupper() for ...) and (...) and (...) More
Great separation of concerns by using a 'rules-database'. One thing only: the return-predicate antipattern: instead of writing if predicate: return True else: return False write return predicate More
Depth first search with recursion-macfreek
This is a solution I can follow. In fact I used the same path-generating algorithm, but made it somewhat readable using helper functions. More
What I learn from your solution: Know your algorithms... It took me about 200 lines and a couple of hours of research to achieve something working. (it is unit tested, though :) On the other hand, reverse-engineering this solution is only possible because now I can map it onto e.g. the A* shortes More
very clear solution. Personally I'm a bit appalled by these long lines (you're free to rename `game_result` to something shorter) and all these brackets, but that's personal. The `elif` on line 6/10 are not needed. More