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Last seen 43 minutes ago
Member for 6 years, 3 months, 18 days
Difficulty Advanced
I was a math teacher in France for two years. I'm currently reconverting to IT, I'm here to improve my Python skills, and practice English.

Best reviews / Newest reviews
First-michalmikulasi 1
You don't need to iterate on the text. You're almost lucky it even works. def correct_sentence(text: str) -> str: text = text[0].upper()+text[1:] if text[-1] != ".": text += "." return text More
[creative] Scientific imports + 1-liner: Markov chain-Phil15
Note that when I published this I could not put it in **creative** category where it clearly belongs. More
[typed] Apply the rule and a simple reasoning-Phil15 1
@FromSnakeToPython Glad you liked the task. I enjoyed solving the task algorithmically more than manually. More
Obfuscated milp-Phil15
This is an obfuscation of [my 3rd party solution](https://py.checkio.org/mission/blood-distribution-3/publications/Phil15/python-3/scipy-19-milp-mixed-integer-linear-programming/). Tricks here: - `integrality=0,` and `lb=0,` are actually default values so I didn't need to write those - 1-letter na More
1-liner: three uses of itertools, one counter-Phil15
For those who think it is not a real 1-liner: imports can be made inline and "def return" can be made "lambda". Without sacrificing clarity. aggregate_and_count = lambda iterable, Counter=__import__('collections').Counter, it=__import__('itertools'): Counter(it.chain.from_iterable(it.starmap(it More
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