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Mariano Gonzalez Salazar
Last seen 3 years ago
Member for 8 years, 3 months, 18 days
Difficulty Normal
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almost dangerous-mreinhardt 1 1
I don't understand the second line of code :/ More
First; I am sure this can be shortened-Thenbacker 1 1
Of course, check my code, lines 13-67 can be done in 6 or 7 lines. Use a list of neighbors directions = [[-1, -1], [-1, 0], [-1, 1], [0, -1], [0, 1], [1, -1], [1, 0], [1, 1]] and a loop to study each one: for direction in directions: ni, nj = i + direction[0], j + direction[ More
4D-veky 1
Oh now I get what you told me two days ago. I will spend time someday during the week to understand your solution, for me it is like it contains a lot of advanced topics. More
Floodfill-veky 1 1
Wowwwwww I am in love with this solution ^^ I learned a lot!!! veky, do you think it is a good a idea to base my python learning in only this webpage as a source of knowledge? (and external sources if I have questions) More
I know it is a beginner question but... What *m does? :\ More
Borders-DiZ 1
I am pretty sure this is not a clear solution :/ More
Filter all-veky 1
Hi veky. I am a fan of your solutions and comments but I do not understand why you are not documenting your solutions. I know it is up to everyone and I am not complaining about that, I just would love to see all your solutions with comments as nickie did to your solution of this problem. More
I am sure there are so much things to improve, I will work in a better solution in a future. More
Regular Expressions-PositronicLlama
I think in this case RE makes execution times so long for a simple task like this :/ More
.add(i + 1j*j) I don't understand what is this doing :\ border = set.union(*({c + 1j ** k for k in range(4)} for c in cells)) - cells and what about this line? More