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Member for 2 years, 3 months, 21 days
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Liked a comment created by Phil15 for forum post "Question about rf-string and r-string"
I'm not particularily impressed by "features" detection. It does a decent job but I'm sure there are
I notice that I have used rf-strings in a few solutions, for example here: https://py.checkio.org/m
The task doesn't describe the requirements for whitespace. I only passed by trial and error. The
Commented a forum post "Asserts in solve not working" created by lightofuriel
I agree that this is a bug. To pass the Check Solution, I had to return a generator, but to pass th
Liked forum post "Asserts in solve not working" created by lightofuriel
Currently asserts in Solve are trying to compare generator object to a list. Proposed fix: #