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Member for 1 year, 3 months, 27 days
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Liked a comment created by Phil15 for forum post "Basics/2 test running forever: Missing comma?"
@freeman_lex There is a displayed error that is annoying for people copy/pasting code (a missing com
Liked a comment created by freeman_lex for forum post "Basics/2 test running forever: Missing comma?"
Thanks. Fixed.
Commented a forum post "Basics/2 test running forever: Missing comma?" created by TheRing
Thank you. The Extra checks still ran forever, but after making my solution a bit faster, it worked.
My code solves all 3 examples in less than a second with "Run code", but with "Check Solution", Basi
Liked a comment created by veky for forum post "6. The Most Common Mistakes"
I guess the reason why you find it more intuitive is that you've learned coding in C++ or some simil