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Last seen 1 year ago
Member for 2 years, 5 months, 25 days
Difficulty Easy
A 40-year-old man - yet still a teenager in the head - that developed a obsessive passion for computers at the young age of 8. The discovery of QBASIC on a Tandy TRS-1000 machine sparked a desire for coding and programming that was never fully satisfied. In college, I was coerced into taking Computer Networking classes due to the high workforce demand. While there were a few classes that included programming curriculum, it wasn't nearly as in depth or involved as I wanted or had hoped. As a result, I now spend part of my spare time trying to progress, improve, and advance my knowledge and skills in coding on my own - the blind leading ... himself! While Python was undoubtedly the language I found the most "attractive" after sampling 5 or 6 others, I'd like to dabble in some other languages some day. Java or JavaScript seemed like it'd be my next choice after Python. At any rate, I'm always looking for guidance, advice, or any other type of assistance to help me in this endeavor of self-teaching! Please feel free to message me on via any contact media that's convenient and allow me to assure the acceptance of constructive criticism - outright insults is one thing, attempting to point out flaws or where I could use improvement is another .. *entirely*. It's the constructive criticism that lends the most knowledge, improvement, and progression ... if the personality is willing and able to hear and accept it! :)

Commented a forum post "Flatten a List on O'Reilly" created by TrexxaByte
I've tried with the **nums** variable as a local variable... inside the function. It still doesn't s
Commented a forum post "Flatten a List on O'Reilly" created by TrexxaByte
This code fails never making it beyond the first assertion test because the values from the first as
Created a forum post "Flatten a List on O'Reilly"
I would like to give some feedback about https://py.checkio.org/mission/flatten-list/legacy-solve/ .
Commented a forum post "ALL UPPER : diffulty with Mixed" created by dardine
I know... I was pretty confused at this whole thing too lol... like the whole if text.upper().isuppe
Commented a forum post "ALL UPPER : diffulty with Mixed" created by dardine
Ok, sorry, now I see your code... and at first glance, line 3 should be removed entirely. You're che