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Last seen 1 year ago
Member for 3 years, 7 months, 16 days
Difficulty Normal
Applied Physics master student

Best reviews / Newest reviews
Second-nomis517 1 1
I didn't know about super().__init__(). That looks useful, thanks for teaching me something :) More
Removing triple vowels then skipping random vowels after consonants.-2010min0ru 1 1
not the shortest solution, but well structured and readable, I award you 2 points More
Recursive Solution-Tinus_Trotyl 1
Really nice solution but I wouldn't call it "clear" More
First Warrior-Vitaly_Titkov
I didn't know it was possible to write classes so simply, without __init__(self) etc More
One loop-Spiritusvini 1
I didn't know it was possible in so few lines, well done Actually, why do you even have the line "trans = phrase" ? Looks like you could have done even fewer lines if you just used phrase More
only format()-nickgryg
well done, I totally forgot you could do this with .format More
good job solving the problem, but this is an unnecessarily long solution, I suggest you check out some other solutions to learn from More
6-liner: 3... 2... 1...-przemyslaw.daniel
I didn't know you could use j as imaginary unit like that, very nice More
I didn't know about divmod, very useful, thanks More
I hope that one day I will be skilled enough to write a solution like this More
I don't know what's going on but it looks good More
Regex rules!-zgub4
I mean yes regex does rule but you really don't need it to solve this exercise, it's actually faster and shorter without More
Batteries-veky 1
I just think it's wrong to import gcd when the whole exercise is to compute the gcd. You basically skipped the exercise and went straight to the answer. More
Naive but cached-Phil15 1
How does this lru_cache work? If I try to use it without arguments like that it gives me an error: TypeError: Expected maxsize to be an integer or None More
you actually took the time to write comments, nice More
interesting, you found the max without using max() More
Really good import-less solution More
Ground for the House-ddavidse
This method seemed inferior to just finding the locations of the '#' symbols, so I made a better solution with that: https://py.checkio.org/mission/ground-for-the-house/publications/ddavidse/python-3/ground-for-the-house-improved/ More
not good but my best-___6
I'm more impressed that you had Escher station unlocked at lvl 9 More
The Stones-ddavidse
I started out making a recursive solution. This worked nicely, but was far too slow for large pile sizes, because it does a lot of unnecessary work (calculating the same sequence of moves many times as well as calculating all variations of it that have the same outcome). Anyway, here it is: def More