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Last seen 8 years ago
Member for 10 years, 7 months, 29 days
Difficulty Normal
Commented a forum post "Simple puzzle." created by Cjkjvfnby
[SPOILER](# "It will give you a syntax error because the parentheses are missing after checkio. But
Commented a forum post "Questions about reverse-engineer." created by Cjkjvfnby
> Any ints? Both [...] will pass the grader? The grader accepts anything (that is formally correc
Commented a forum post "Questions about reverse-engineer." created by Cjkjvfnby
> Any ints? Both [...] will pass the grader? The grader accepts anything (that is formally correc
Commented a forum post "Vekyization challenge" created by htamas
> I still stand by my estimate of several months. Wanna bet? :-) The problem is that if I bet, I'
Commented a forum post "Lambda comprehension challenge" created by htamas
Only to Shakespeare and only after doing a google search :). (Though, in my defense, I never read