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Yi Sun
Last seen 2 months ago
Member for 2 years, 11 months, 12 days
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Liked a comment created by Phil15 for forum post "How to output "" in a list"
Yeah python represents strings with single quotation mark whenever possible (well it's always possib
Commented a forum post "How to output "" in a list" created by sanjieyu
yes, I fixed it. The 'item.join(item)' is wrong, I replace by 'string_sum += item',thanks,@Phil15
Commented a forum post "How to output "" in a list" created by sanjieyu
thanks for your reply, my question is how to output the “Double quotation marks” but not 'single quo
Commented a forum post "How to output "" in a list" created by sanjieyu
My code is here, for example, sum_by_types(["1", "2", 3]) == ("12", 3), but my result is (‘12’,3)
Created a forum post "How to output "" in a list"
Hi,guys, my result always be 'string' but not "string", how to output "" ? thanks!