• kurosawa4434's Activity

Commented a forum post "Underspecified" created by amandel
Thank you so much. I assume only objects without holes in this mission. So I would add a note.
Liked forum post "Underspecified" created by amandel
At least, you must mention that the object has no holes. For instance, the second example, which cl
Liked mission "Drone Trips"
Count minimum number of drone flights
Liked a comment created by Selindian for forum post "Confused as to the max value returned"
Thank you. That was exactly the question I was asking myself. With the updated description, the task
Liked a comment created by freeman_lex for forum post "Confused as to the max value returned"
Liked a comment created by freeman_lex for forum post "Confused as to the max value returned"
12. The crew deside to make a riot only if there is threaten of death AND initial possibility of int
Commented a forum post "Confused as to the max value returned" created by kkkkk
The priorities of this mission is the following?: 1. zero kills. 2. riots. 3. one or more kills. 4.
Commented a forum post "Confused as to the max value returned" created by kkkkk
Then, The following case is 12 (or 8) ? assert winner_share(48, 6)
Count gold coins in the best share
Liked forum post "Confused as to the max value returned" created by kkkkk
In the sample case where there is 15 pieces of gold and 1 sailor, the captain would get 10 pieces an
Thank you! Templates is an interesting approach, but I think the main problem in mission creation is
Liked mission "Jumbled Letters"
How strong can you jumble a word?
Get an original text from nested dict
Liked mission "Cipher Dict"
Encrypt strings based on rules
Liked mission "Sequence Analyzer"
Discover the pattern and predict characters
Liked mission "Gator And Ducks"
gator is going to eat all ducks
Sum two passed ints
Liked mission "Save File"
Save a file with correct name
Liked mission "Word boundaries"
Determine word boundaries!