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Антон Витальевич Бараников
Last seen 9 months ago
Member for 4 years, 25 days
Difficulty Normal
Created a forum post "Continuos driving"
Since I spent some time thinking what is wrong it is probably worth noticing. In my logic, two subse
Commented a forum post "Strangest assertion error ever" created by baranikov
Indeed, that was silly of me, thanks!
Created a forum post "Strangest assertion error ever"
Here is my code. class Warrior: def __init__(self): self.health = 50
Commented a forum post "Use or not use Re module?" created by baranikov
Right, sorry, I didn't know that. I thought that anything I need to import is external. Thanks!
Created a forum post "Use or not use Re module?"
Hi fellows! I was solving this problem without using the re module and then found out that the modul