• Denis_Gerashchenko's Activity

Liked a comment created by Sim0000 for forum post "Black holes, Intersection area "
I use following formula.

    # calculate area of intersection of data[i] and data[j]
    def inters
Liked mission "Black Holes"
Help Stephen with creating black holes state predictor
Liked mission "Digits Doublets"
Doublets is a word game, and we’re rewriting the rules!
Liked mission "The Hidden Word"
Nicola needs a tool that searches for keywords in poetry to help on his English homework.
Liked mission "Calculate Islands"
Help the robots calculate the landmass of their newly discovered island chain.
Liked mission "Solution for Anything"
"The solution often turns out more beautiful than the puzzle." -- Richard Dawkins
Thanks, I am gonna try to solve this with OOP now
Liked a comment created by Phil15 for forum post "Need help with Solution for Anything"
Do you know classes?
Hello guys, I am asking for some help with the mission Electronic Station - Solution for Anything. -
Liked mission "Double Substring"
Find the length of the longest substring that repeats more than once
Commented a forum post "help" created by ArsenPython
str.index() returns the first occurrence of the symbol in string. I highly recommend python tutor f
Discover the angles of a triangle.
Liked mission "Striped Words"
Find the hidden striped words in the robots linguistics test
Liked mission "The Warriors"
Create the warriors and make them fight each other in a duel!
Liked mission "Long Repeat"
Find the length of the longest substring that consists of the same char