• Gugugu's Activity

Liked a comment created by HeNeArKr for forum post "How could "00:00" = "12:00 a.m." ?"
From the Wikipedia article on the 12-hour clock:

    23:59 = 11:59 p.m.
    00:00 = 12:00 a.m. (or 
Commented a forum post "How could "00:00" = "12:00 a.m." ?" created by Gugugu
yeah , thanks !
Commented a forum post "How could "00:00" = "12:00 a.m." ?" created by Gugugu
Mille thanks!
def time_converter(time): if int(time[:2]) > 12: return str(str(int(time[:2]) - 12
Commented a forum post "Supported Modules for Python 3.10" created by oduvan
## Cant use from collections import Counter sad , thought could easily solve it .