• fokusd's Activity

Liked mission "Inertia"
Collect all the gems on the mined icefield
Liked mission "The Stones"
Find out who is the winner.
Liked mission "Wall Keeper"
solve the 5x5 grid puzzle.
Liked mission "Identify Block"
Identify the shape of the tetromino.
Liked a comment created by DahliaSR for forum post "IDEA: Do we need Python 2.7?"
Since I started coding in Python this year I never used Python 2.7, and I don't see a reason to do i
Liked mission "The Hidden Word"
Nicola needs a tool that searches for keywords in poetry to help on his English homework.
Liked mission "Multiplication Table"
"Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" inspired our robots to create their own Multiplication Table. One little problem: Stephan forgot how to do multiplication…
Help Mike figure out whether there are any strange things in his family book.