• fuzzyonetb's Activity

Created a forum post "Basic 66 test is wrong"
Basic 66 test is wrong: the right answer should be 40 not 10 Please check
Liked a comment created by katnic for forum post "This is terrible"
Я ничего так и не понял, что значат эти горы пустых скобок?
В одних случаях они часть текста, в друг
Commented a forum post "This is terrible" created by Egor_Bushkov
The task must be clear and contain ALL syntax description. How am I suppose to guess what [][] or o
Liked forum post "This is terrible" created by Egor_Bushkov
This is terrible. There is no exact description. Contains ambiguities. For example: masks "**[** [ ]
Didn't like mission "Unix Match. Part 3"
Filename patterns matching
Didn't like mission "Unix Match. Part 2"
Matching the filename patterns
Remove tests for the first and the 8th lines! These positions are impossible in chess!
Commented a forum post "Edge and Extra tests" created by dimitar.tonchev
Absolutely agree. I even included explicit test for this cases as impossible... Frustrating...
Liked forum post "Edge and Extra tests" created by dimitar.tonchev
Some of the tests are using impossible chess positions. Pawn can not be on first line as it start f
Didn't like mission "Pawn Brotherhood"
"A pawn, when separated from his fellows, will seldom or never make a fortune." - Francois-Andre Danican Philidor