• igharok's Activity

Liked a blog post "War in Ukraine"
Liked a comment created by oduvan for blog post "Tags, Search, Points and Plans"
Thank you
Liked a comment created by quarkov for blog post "Tags, Search, Points and Plans"
It's cool to see that checkio introduces new features!
Liked a comment created by kurosawa4434 for blog post "📛 How CheckiO is growing"
Wow ... I am very surprised and very proud of the addition of the badges :-D

Thank you so much !

Liked a comment created by Phil15 for blog post "📛 How CheckiO is growing"
Surprised and proud too, the Maya island was already a great honor. Thank you!!

I think people are 
Liked mission "Ascending List"
Check if the sequence of elements items is ascending
Liked mission "All Upper II"
Are all symbols in upper case?
Liked mission "Brackets"
Check to see that the brackets have been implemented correctly
Liked mission "URL Normalization"
URL normalization is the process by which URLs are modified and standardized in a consistent manner. You should normalize a given url.
Liked mission "The Secret Room"
Find the right door number.
Liked mission "Wild Dogs"
Find the best nearest point for dogs hunting.
Liked mission "Bigger Together"
Concatenating the integers.
Liked mission "Words Order"
Check that the words are given in the correct order
Liked mission "Sort by Extension"
Sort files by extension
Liked mission "Majority"
Check if the majority of elements are true
Liked mission "Index Power"
What is the power hidden within indexes?