• ismarguitar's Activity

Thank you It was kinda late and I was desperate to solve it.
Hi! For empty `line` you get an `IndexError` in line 2, as there is no `line[0]` element. And you mi
def long_repeat(line) a = line[0] max_sub_str = 0
Liked a comment created by Leonix for forum post "Confuse the value of safe pawn on right picture."
Both yellow and blue pawns belong to one side. They are not enemies and can protect each other. Mean
Commented a forum post "Why doesn't this work?" created by ismarguitar
Thank you. I figured out the +1 in the meantime but not that I need the freaking identation after th
Liked a comment created by Sim0000 for forum post "Why doesn't this work?"
At first, you need one more indentation in line 6. And you need to add one, say, **return second_hal
Created a forum post "Why doesn't this work?"
def second_index(text: str, symbol: str): """ returns the second index of a symbol in