• jsg-inet's Activity

Liked mission "Transposed Matrix"
Transpose a matrix of 2D numbers.
Liked mission "Zigzag Array"
Zigzag through the two-dimensional grid
Liked mission "When is Friday?"
Find out how many days are left until Friday.
"Two or more characters of one string can correspond to one character of another string, but not vic
Liked mission "Surjection Strings"
Check that the 2 given strings are isometric
Liked mission "Currency Style"
Change US dollars separators style.
Liked mission "Hubspot Amulet"
Find the secret combination for the Hubspot amulet.
Liked mission "Three Points Circle"
Using three points and code, build a circle for Nikola.
Followed Lumy
Liked mission "Determine the Order"
Find the pattern in an encoded message for the robots
Liked mission "Cipher Map"
Write a cipher program to encode a secret password.
Liked mission "Morse Clock"
.... --- .-- / -.. --- / -.-- --- ..- / -.- -. --- .-- / .-- .... . -. / .- / -.-. .-.. --- -.-. -.- / .. ... / .... ..- -. --. .-. -.-- ..--.. / .-- .... . -. / .. - / --. --- . ... / -... .- -.-. -.- / ..-. --- ..- .-. / ... . -.-. --- -. -.. ...
Liked mission "Secret Message"
Coding is fun. Heck you could do it too. Ever try that? Code away! Krummy results? Interesting. Onto something else then!
Convert a string into CamelCase
Convert a string from CamelCase into under_score format
Liked mission "Permutation Index"
Calculate the permutation index.