• jtokaz's Activity

Commented a blog post "Design Patterns. Part 1"
Excellent link.
Liked a comment created by veky for blog post "Design Patterns. Part 1"
There are videos about that, too. :-)

Things become more clear when you grasp the message behind ht
Liked a comment created by hanpari for blog post "Design Patterns. Part 1"
You are right. I have read few books on design patterns in Python and all the time I saw Java in dis
Liked a comment created by veky for blog post "Design Patterns. Part 1"
Adapt them to your tasks, but also adapt them to your language. Design patterns from Java don't make
Liked mission "Chess Knight"
Find all of the chessboard cells to which the Knight can move.
Liked mission "Paper Dice"
Check the development of drawing a dice.
Followed veky
Liked forum post "benchmark of some solutions" created by Sim0000
I pick up some user's solutions and benchmark them. ### condition total string length is 1000.
Liked mission "The Fastest Horse"
Find the fastest horse
Liked mission "The Flat Dictionary"
Nikola’s organization methods are flat-out ridiculous
Commented a blog post "Python dictionary anthology"
Small typo? I think you meant "syntactic sugar" instead of "synthetic sugar."