• kodix09's Activity

Liked mission "Forgetful Prisoner"
“The advantage of a bad memory is that one enjoys several times the same good things for the first time.” ― Friedrich Nietzsche
Liked mission "Escape"
Find out if a fly will escape from a jar or not
Liked mission "Graphical Key"
Find the right path.
Liked mission "Straight Fight"
Create 2 armies and make an epic battle!
Liked mission "The Secret Room"
Find the right door number.
Liked mission "Ground for the House"
Find the area of the ground which you need to build the house.
Followed veky
Liked mission "Bulls and Cows"
Have you ever played the old game "Bulls and Cows"? Yeehaaww!
Liked a comment created by Pouf for blog post "What can you do with solutions"
I wanted to point that out too, it would be more logical to set the default category to uncategorize
Liked mission "SendGrid Geo Stats"
Operate with your statistical email data
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