• ollegattor's Activity

Decrypt the cryptotext
Liked mission "Count Inversions"
1… 2… 5, 3 sir! 3!
Liked mission "Sort Except Zero"
Zeros should not be changed
Liked mission "Letter Queue"
First In, First Out. Next!
Convert a string into CamelCase
Liked mission "Pangram"
Painful zombies quickly watch a jinxed graveyard
Didn't like mission "Unix Match. Part 2"
Matching the filename patterns
Liked mission "End Zeros"
How many zeros are at the end?
Liked mission "Unfair Dice"
Find a die to beat your opponent's die.
"So you've got to the end of our race-course?" said the Tortoise.
Liked mission "Acceptable Password I"
Verify password by condition
Liked mission "Skew-symmetric Matrix"
Determine whether a square matrix is a skew-symmetric.
Liked mission "Morse Encoder"
Encrypt the text using the Morse code
Liked mission "All Upper I"
Are all symbols in upper case?
Liked mission "Reverse Roman Numerals"
Convert a Roman number into a decimal number.
Liked mission "Roman Numerals"
Translate modern numbers into Roman Numerals
Liked mission "The Flat Dictionary"
Nikola’s organization methods are flat-out ridiculous
Liked mission "Speech Module"
Pronouns a number by words
Liked mission "Pawn Brotherhood"
"A pawn, when separated from his fellows, will seldom or never make a fortune." - Francois-Andre Danican Philidor