• tejassamurai's Activity

Liked mission "Days Between"
How many days old are you? I’m 7,665, but my license says 14,600...
Liked forum post "Hints on restricted sum " created by lunarman52
I've tried a few different things, but a solution I can't seem to get. My attempts mostly involve ad
Didn't like forum post "Bad test for task" created by kmz_61
Task Common Words has bad test: checkio("one,two,three", "four,five,one,two,six,three") == "one,thr
Didn't like mission "Easy Unpack"
The first, third and second to the last for the given array
Liked mission "Fizz Buzz"
A word game used to the teach robots about division.
Commented a forum post "Why NameError?" created by karndarrat
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Didn't like a comment created by 88nat for forum post "Why NameError?"
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Liked mission "Binary Count"
How to work with binary formatting.
Liked mission "Stressful Subject"
Sofia had a very stressful month and decided to get a vacation for a week.
Liked mission "The Most Numbers"
Determine the difference between the smallest and biggest number.