• tivvit's Activity

Created a forum post "Broken quest (bug)"
I have encounted a problem with quests.
Commented a forum post "this task is not Elementary" created by tivvit
I see thanks for explaining
Commented a forum post "this task is not Elementary" created by tivvit
What do you mean by? > It is not written. I hardly discovered it on forum, do not remember where. P
Commented a forum post "this task is not Elementary" created by tivvit
I agree Hubspot elementary tasks are much harder than on other islands
Created a forum post "this task is not Elementary"
This task is not Elementary (elementary means @Veky can solve it as one-liner). It is also not Simpl
Didn't like mission "Broken Window"
Restore the broken window glass.
Liked mission "Digit Stack"
Take the one off the top of the pile!