• vvm70's Activity

Liked mission "The Most Wanted Letter"
Find out which is the most wanted letter
Encrypt the text
Liked mission "Long Repeat"
Find the length of the longest substring that consists of the same char
Followed poa
"So you've got to the end of our race-course?" said the Tortoise.
Mission "Words Order" in Electronis Station has a condition that the first occurence of the first wo
Liked mission "Robot Sort"
Wait, that can’t go in like that, oh defrag- KABOOM!
Liked mission "Simple Areas"
Rectangles and circles and triangles, Oh My!
Liked mission "Repeating Decimals"
This is the rational number that never ends, yes it goes on and on my friends.
Liked mission "Tree Walker"
Count all the tree leaves or subtrees that are equal to the target value.
Liked mission "Chess Knight"
Find all of the chessboard cells to which the Knight can move.
Liked mission "Words Order"
Check that the words are given in the correct order
Liked mission "Digits Multiplication"
How to work with numbers by non standard way
Liked mission "Acceptable Password II"
Verify password by conditions
Liked mission "Right to Left"
“Left, right, left, right, left, left, left. Your destination is on the left.” “Wait, this isn’t where I was going…”
Liked mission "Three Words"
How to discern words and numbers
Liked forum post "Precision" created by mikael.desharnais
Hi there, can there be two packages at a single point ? In other words, if I move a package to pos
Liked a comment created by kurosawa4434 for forum post "Precision"
Hi @mikael.desharnais .

That's a good point.  
You aren't forced to move the one.  
And you can sta