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Last seen 1 month ago
Member for 3 years, 5 months, 9 days
Difficulty Normal
Hi, I'm Edinson Dorado, a computer science student. I'm 19 and I really like python.

Liked mission "Determinant"
Put your math skills to the test and compute the determinant for a matrix.
Liked mission "Chess Knight"
Find all of the chessboard cells to which the Knight can move.
Liked a comment created by koborC for forum post "I don't understand the task"
The light of each bulbs are too feeble to brighten the room.
So we need "req" number of light bulbs 
Liked a comment created by Phil15 for forum post "I don't understand the task"
> And this is the 5th argument _(it is the keyword argument **req**)_ of the function - how many lig
Liked mission "Paper Dice"
Check the development of drawing a dice.