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Max Nechaev
Last seen 7 hours ago
Member for 2 years, 5 months, 12 days
Difficulty Normal
Liked mission "Inscribe a Contour"
Find the smallest rectangle which inscribes an arbitrary contour.
Liked mission "Next Birthday"
What is the next birthday in the family?
Commented a forum post "Bigger Together - obscure sorting method" created by Polundra
Comparison of two strings a and b: if a + b < b + a (+ being string concatenation) then a must come
Liked a comment created by Phil15 for forum post "Bigger Together - obscure sorting method"
**Comparison of two strings `a` and `b`:**
if `a + b < b + a` (`+` being string concatenation) then 
Commented a forum post "Bigger Together - obscure sorting method" created by Polundra
Hmm. I don't want to see ready solutions Input list #1 is ['3', '12', '22', '32'] Sorting list #1