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Member for 9 years, 18 days
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Recent solutions I'm happy with (just starting/trying this): [Words Order](https://py.checkio.org/mission/words-order/publications/StefanPochmann/python-3/short-dict-subsequence/share/5bbb2df54ec5a810d36d7f70ae7e92da/) Dang it no markdown here?

Best reviews / Newest reviews
Another simple oneliner-StefanPochmann 5
Shortening it by removing code duplication (but I'm afraid it makes it a little less clear): def create_intervals(data): return list(zip(*(sorted(x for x in data if x+d not in data) for d in (-1, 1)))) And golfed: create_intervals=lambda X:list(zip(*(sort More
Another simple oneliner-StefanPochmann 3 2
Zip the interval starts with the interval ends. Similar to [my previous solution](https://py.checkio.org/mission/create-intervals/publications/StefanPochmann/python-3/simple-oneliner/), so I could've seen this myself, but really just a corrected and improved version of [Lemmi's solution](https://py. More
Shortest? 52 - Kill me now-StefanPochmann 3
Took me forever to find those index expressions. My progression was: checkio=lambda n:'Fizz Buzz'[(n%3>0)*5:4+5*(n%5<1)]or`n` checkio=lambda n:'Fizz Buzz'[n%-3&-4:4+5*(n%5<1)]or`n` checkio=lambda n:'Fizz Buzz'[n%-3&-4:9-n%5-n*4%5]or`n` checkio=lambda n:'Fizz Buzz'[n%-3&-4:12-(n%-5&8 More
1-liner: 62 chars? that's it!-przemyslaw.daniel 2 1
Still one character longer than [mine](https://py.checkio.org/mission/house-password/publications/StefanPochmann/python-3/shortest/?ordering=most_voted&filtering=all) :-P But it's trivial to make yours shorter. Why don't you use a set comprehension? More
Heuristic (disprove it!)-ale1ster 2 1
Disproof: From goal state, just swap blue with yellow. You can't solve it because you never turn rings 2 and 3. More
simple-StefanPochmann 2
Alternatively, a little more efficient and maybe clearer: def merge_intervals(intervals): result = [] for interval in intervals: if not result or interval[0] > result[-1][1] + 1: result.append(interval) else: result[-1] = r More
First-flpo 2
One character shorter and no "symbols" :-) from numpy import median as checkio More
~Shortest-veky 2 1
Can still be shortened: checkio=lambda d:[x for x in d if~-d.count(x)] More
recursion-kurosawa4434 2 1
Extremely inefficient, only O(n^3) time and O(n^2) space. More
String arithmetic-nickie 2
I finally [beat you](http://www.checkio.org/mission/fizz-buzz/publications/StefanPochmann/python-27/shortest-52-kill-me-now/)... omg that was hard work. Thanks for the motivation :-) More
Head, *body and tail.-Tinus_Trotyl 2 2
For example `correct_sentence('I')` crashes ("I." is a perfectly fine sentence, and since a point of the mission is to correct a missing dot, `'I'` is a perfectly reasonable input). Btw, how about `tail.strip(".") + "."`? More
Complex is better than complicated.-veky 2 1
Ah, I should've suspected you've done this already. No need for `b` if you use `find` instead of `index`. More
漢字-DiZ 2 1
Just shortened the third line a bit (required changing the characters): checkio=lambda i,r=range:int(bytes(48+min(r(10), key=lambda n:bin(ord('歫⒚玧碧䧭㣏毎ኧ篯㧮'[n]) ^sum(i[o//3][d+o%3]<More
Generator-veky 1 1
How about... def merged(intervals): if intervals: it = iter(intervals) a, b = next(it) ... More
(em)powering-ale1ster 1 1
Nice one, although using `enumerate` would've been better. More
vek-StefanPochmann 1
Unfortunately I looked at veky's solution before thinking much, so I can't claim this as my own. I made the regex shorter, though. More
make table-Sim0000 1 1
I've seen people abuse *dicts* as sets, but this is the first time I've seen a Counter for that :-). Is there a good reason for that, or is it just left over from an earlier attempt? More
juestr's compressed-veky 1 1
8 chars less: ```python changing_direction=lambda e,p=lambda s:[aMore
Set comprehension-veky 1 1
Collecting None, sweet. Or is that just to confuse+educate? :-) `0<=ij>=0` would have been nice as well. Or `n>i>-1More
119-DiZ 1 1
You can shorten it a bit by using `sum(a[:1])` and `c[0]>'PF'`: digit_stack=d=lambda c,a=[]:len(c)and(d(c[1:],[int(c[0][5])]+a)if' 'in c[0]else sum(a[:1])+d(c[1:],a[c[0]>'PF':])) More
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