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Василий Чибиляев
Last seen 11 months ago
Member for 6 years, 10 months, 20 days
Difficulty Normal
feel free to contact me at chibiliaev23@gmail.com

Best reviews / Newest reviews
re.sub with callable repl-Splitter 1 1
Nice, I've done just the same :) More
First-Mishgan 1 1
Good, just one little notice: you can simply write key=abs More
numpy.rot90 -v1-jianjiaowang 1 1
Great! Though I would consider using list(i) instead of [j for j in i]. And you actually don't need both else statements in the last loop as np.rot90 should be done at each iteration. More
First-johan4622 1 1
Everything seems to be ok, though i prefer using for loop insted of while wnenether it is possible More
Easy-solution-nakanohito_piyo 1
Very smart. This piece '(i.endswith(j) or j.endswith(i))' does make sense. More
Nice and clean. Though I would recommend to replace array[len(array)-1] to array[-1]. Python allows you to use negative indexes to iterate backwards through array, so array[-1] gives you the last element in the array, array[-2] - second last element, ..., array[-len(array)] - the first one. Consider More
Nice, pretty fast and out of the box approach. Well palyed. However I would consider changing this piece of code: def expand_water(area, mapdata): for p in area: l = [q for q in adjacents(p, mapdata) if is_water(q, mapdata) and q not in area] area.extend(l) I More
3-liner: Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger -przemyslaw.daniel
one extra '+' which goes from my heart for the daft punk) oh, the code is awesome!! More
memoized branch and bound-gyahun_dash
Really great work! You can check out my solution if you want, it is pretty fast but not that complex. Unfortunately I have no opportunity to compare the speed of my code vs. yours, so if you don't mind please do this on your PC and share the results. [My solution](https://py.checkio.org/mission/mak More
Simpler O(n^4)-DiZ
brilliant! I love checkio for opportunity to see this kind of solutions! More
if len(matr) == 2: return matr[0][0] * matr[1][1] - matr[0][1] * matr[1][0] these two lines are actually redundant. You can start right from: if len(matr)==1... More
Ok - that was fun. -Olivier_de_La_Fere 1
Well, that's pretty creative. You implemented for-else trick and that's great you know such things! Though I don't see big use of it, you get +1 for this. However there are some problems. First of all, your solution is not that flexible. Imagine the input is now 100*100 grid, how many time will it t More