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Last seen 1 year ago
Member for 4 years, 26 days
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F clear one liner return sum(map(int, filter(str.isdigit, text.split()))) with 4 lines of comments-piter239 2
Being a "newbie" to python, I really like the documentation that explains what the code is doing, as well as the actual efficiency of the code. I'm still learning how to use some of the language (map, filter), and such examples and documentation are really helpful in understanding and using these to More
Graph Object-dobyvillanueva
While a bit "overkill" and lacking in some code documentation, I still had to give this my highest rating for applying graph theory to create this solution. I've saved this code snippet to further study and understanding in python. More
Flatten a List-inkayat
I solved this almost the same way, except that I just made the flat_list recursively call itself instead of a helper function for sub-lists, and append otherwise (the ints). Using += with a list concatenates them, so there was no need to pass the list ("ans" in your code) as an extra argument. If th More
Second - No branching required-carel.anthonissen
Nice solution. Compact and efficient. A few comments could be helpful for newbies like me to more quickly understand what it's doing, but it still did not take me long to figure out. More
"... something creepy" made me chuckle. I will have to come back and edit this comment though, because looking at the code gave me some thoughts on how it might be more efficient, and I'll have to run some tests to see... More
Nice use of divmod, which I didn't know existed until now! More