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Joe G
Last seen 10 years ago
Member for 10 years, 10 months, 11 days
Difficulty Normal
Formerly NickHaflinger on CheckIO, I adopted a new identity, just like Nick Haflinger did in The Shockwave Rider. Actually, I did it because of database corruption that caused NickHaflinger to be locked out from exploring new islands.

Best reviews / Newest reviews
My heapq solution (inspired by your solution to "digging a canal") is similar, but shorter and easier to read. The difference: Your solution keeps track of cells visited and checks for legal moves. This works, but adds a lot of extra code. My solution focuses on remaining_zeros. It is initiali More
My solution is very easy to read, but is several orders of magnitude slower than other solutions (takes over a minute to run through the 4 provided examples). More
Slow heap-filterjoe
Many solutions used heaps like mine. I think mine was slower because I didn't include code to prevent duplicates from being added to the heap. More