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mikwa heeri
Last seen 1 year ago
Member for 10 years, 18 days
Difficulty Normal
It's just a flesh wound

Best reviews / Newest reviews
oneliner-DiZ 1 1
Very nice! I didn't know you could import like that. More
Alguém faça isso menor?-Drakange1
I would recommend taking a look at the operator module. This module has functions for each of the operations needed and should be able to help reduce your code a lot. I also recommend using one return statement at the end of the function and assign the result to a variable. This makes the code ea More
It wasn't until after I solved this for the first time and had a chance to look at other solutions that I "discovered" min() & max() lol. I didn't like setting default values of min/max to something in the tuple, but it worked. More
Straightforward-nickie 1
This is a nice solution, but I'm having trouble figuring out how you handle the value of 0. Can you please explain how you handle 0? Also, can you explain the (int(d) or 1 for d in str(n)) part? I'm not sure when the 1 gets used instead of int(d). I'm thinking the two are related, but I More
I know there had to be a way to return a sorted list while grabbing the sorted value. I was doing return sorted(list[0]) instead of return sorted(list)[0]. Thanks for this solution! More