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705/ 845
Pavel Pančocha
Last seen 5 months ago
Member for 4 years, 6 months, 16 days
Difficulty Normal
Best reviews / Newest reviews
First-Oksana_Antropova 3 1
Good approach! I like it. maybe just this: while True: bully.hit(victim) if not victim.is_alive: break could be better like this: while victim.is_alive: bully.hit(victim) More
Second-Wartem 1
This solution is clean and well-organized. It creates a list of requirements and checks each one using Python's built-in functions and the all() function. It is also more efficient as it only scans the input string once. However, str.isalpha checks if all characters are alphabet, both lowercase and More
First-sesenion 1 1
The solution correctly employs a tuple-based key with Python's sorted function to sort by multiple criteria, demonstrating good understanding of Python's sorting mechanisms. However, the use of count and index methods within the sort key could lead to inefficiency when dealing with larger lists due More
Enhanced solution-Kolia951 1 1
This is a very concise and clever implementation of the task at hand. The function is_majority directly returns the result of the comparison between the counts of True and False values. If there are more True values than False ones, the function returns True; otherwise, it returns False. The code i More
1-liner sol.-Ali.Pxl 1 1
The code is readable, clear and adheres well to the task requirements. It handles the case of an empty list explicitly, returning False in that case. If the list is not empty, it compares the counts of True and False values, returning True if there are more True values and False otherwise. The only More
Dont worry about yield-viktor.chyrkin 1
The solution is correct and straightforward, using Python's built-in string methods and the any() function effectively. However, it iterates over the input string three times, which can be optimized. More
The function correctly sorts the list by frequency and maintains the original order for items with the same frequency, though it may perform inefficiently on large lists due to the use of count and index methods in the sorting key. More
Counter elements-StefanPochmann 1
This solution demonstrates a smart use of Python's collections.Counter to efficiently count the frequency of elements, and then utilizes the most_common() method to sort the elements by frequency. The solution is elegant and optimized, but the conversion back and forth between a Counter and a dict s More
The use of regular expressions allows the solution to confirm the existence of an uppercase letter, lowercase letter, and digit all in one pass. However, readability might be an issue for people unfamiliar with regular expressions, and the order of operations is not immediately clear due to the lack More
First-Red_Ale 1
This solution utilizes Python's built-in string methods and list comprehensions effectively to validate the password according to the given criteria. The code is clear and easy to read, but with the trade-off of iterating over the input string multiple times. More
This is a compact, clean, and readable implementation of the task. The function is_majority directly returns the result of comparing the counts of True and False values in the list. If there are more True values, the function returns True; otherwise, it returns False. It correctly adheres to the ta More
Utilizes the set data structure to efficiently check for distinct elements. Type hinting is well implemented, making the function signature clear. More
The code is clean, readable, and follows a straightforward algorithm to solve the problem. Handles the edge case of an empty list correctly, returning True immediately. Uses a simple loop to check the equality of elements, which makes the code easy to understand. More
Good aspects: The code uses a loop to traverse through the elements and compare them, which is a straightforward approach to solve the problem. Type hinting is used properly, which helps in understanding the expected input to the function. Areas for improvement: The continue statement is unnecessa More
All the Same-Aleksandra_Niewiadomska
Concise one-liner solution that is easy to understand. More
Good: Concise use of groupby. Descriptive function name and docstring. Handles empty input strings. Improvements: Instead of len(list(g)), use a generator like sum(1 for _ in g) for efficiency. Consider adding type hints for clarity. Overall: I like this! More
I would recommend putting that "return" on another line - it is possible to do it like this, but hurts readability. More
Rating: 9/10 Efficient use of groupby. Efficiently calculates the length of each group using a generator. Uses the default parameter in max to handle empty input strings. More
Relly clever, I like this solution More
Little complicated, but nice one-liner :) More