• Max_Fiona's Activity

Commented a forum post "don't kown where am i wrong...." created by Max_Fiona
i tried and found it only needs to change 'print' to 'return' and then pass. i still don't kown the
Created a forum post "don't kown where am i wrong...."
def sun_angle(time): time=time.split(':') hh=time[0] mm=time[1] if int(hh)==18 a
Commented a forum post "task Non-unique Elements help" created by Max_Fiona
I will do that, thank you again
Commented a forum post "task Non-unique Elements help" created by Max_Fiona
oh my! it's amazing!! it works!! thank you for that. I'm still a newbie and have so much to learn.th
Liked a comment created by Phil15 for forum post "task Non-unique Elements help"
First I suppose your code is

    def checkio(data: list) -> list:
        for i in data:
Commented a forum post "task Non-unique Elements help" created by Max_Fiona
Thank you very much for your helpful suggestion! seems like the 'remove' function has some flaws, BT
Created a forum post "task Non-unique Elements help"
def checkio(data: list) -> list: for i in data: if data.count(i)==1: data