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Member for 11 years, 6 months, 9 days
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Commented a forum post "What logic is involved in solving this?" created by abhijit74
1+3+3+5+3+2+6=23 It equals the orange path of the task description: https://static.checkio.org
Commented a forum post "What logic is involved in solving this?" created by abhijit74
In this task you have to return the maximum sum in a triangle. In the given exemple, you can find 17
Commented a forum post "What logic is involved in solving this?" created by abhijit74
In this task you have to return the maximum sum in a triangle. In the given exemple, you can find 17
Commented a forum post "What's on a Pythonista's wish list?" created by floord
I'm agree with you. I think a Kinect is a better toy than the leap motion but I already have one...
Commented a forum post "What's on a Pythonista's wish list?" created by floord
I'm agree with you. I think a Kinect is a better toy than the leap motion but I already have one...