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Zac Petersen
Last seen 6 years ago
Member for 10 years, 6 months, 14 days
Difficulty Normal
I draw blueprints for a living. I also enjoy programming, ham radio, and time with the family.

Best reviews / Newest reviews
First-marmot 2
I like this, no use of regular expressions or anything. Nice clean and simple. More
BFS-bryukh 1 2
I always like it when I know what algorithm being used, such as BFS. This way I can learn about the algorithm and then go about reading the code to see how it was implemented. More
First-GeekGirlGabrielle 1
Nice list comprehension. It is something I have been meaning to work on it. I think this is a really good solution since you are using all standard operations. More
First-bryukh 1
I did something similar but I think that this is a much better solution then what I had. I could have made it much more efficient. More
First-Gunther 1
Nice work at line 9 using the tuples separation. I had to do a little research to figure out what was going on there but now I remember reading about that some place. I have seen a few people use zip to create a list of tuples like you have done here but I am not sure why someone would do that as More
First-AlexS 1
Line 10 could be rewriting to ch.isdigit() which would match more with your other solutions. Not something critical or even really a comment just something I thought was funny/interesting. More
First-Paltalan 1 1
I like the use of u=data[:] I forgot about using this to copy all the values of a list. As for the other portion of the code I think you could make improvements by using the data.count(element) functionality. This would eliminate the nested for loops. More
First-RobertHope6186 1
I see you put a lot of effort into this and I think you did a great job. I think there are some places that could be improved. For example I think you could eliminate the use of all the strings if you were to transpose/rotate your matrix and then test each string like you did at first. There are oth More
Using +-veky 1
Bravo, I even tried looking at eval() to see if I could come up with some means to solve the mission. More
I do like how short you made this but it is unreadable and I really can't even try to follow it at all. I think it could be helped out a lot by just expanding the names of some of the variables more. Such as I don't know what ra, rb,rc really are and I am not sure what the dictionary D does either. More
I like your return statement. I could have reduced the size of my code if I would have just gone with something like that. More
First-technofreak 1
I would think that you could rename min to something else since min is actually a system function. help(min) Help on built-in function min in module builtins: min(...) min(iterable[, key=func]) -> value min(a, b, c, ...[, key=func]) -> value With a single iterable argument, return More
Trolling :)-AndriusMk
I did the same thing. I have solved this problem a few years ago in a C++ class and thought this would just be funny. I didn't know about choice() I had to do randint() and convert it over. I think you did a great job implementing it. More
I had this exact same code except I used newList instead of dataOut. Nice Work. More
Looks like good clean code. I think you could eliminate the 2nd for loop though by changing around your tests. For example uniq = [] for u in data: if data.count(u) != 1: uniq.append(u) return uniq More
Bravo! I like the documentation of the functions. Also I like the assert you used on 9, I have never used assert or knew what it was about till I read this. https://wiki.python.org/moin/UsingAssertionsEffectively More
Nice and clean documentation. I like the note about the simplicity of storing the digits since there is only 10 of them. More
dir(buffer) ['__add__', '__class__', '__cmp__', '__delattr__', '__delitem__', '__delslice__', '__doc__', '__format__', '__getattribute__', '__getitem__', '__getslice__', '__hash__', '__init__', '__len__', '__mul__', '__new__', '__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', '__rmul__', '__setattr__', More
Looks like a nice solution. I would like to note please watch the language on line #27. More
Nice solution. I think one thing you could do to make it a little better would be the change the strings into lists so that you don't have to split them later on. You can just do UNI[data] instead of UNI.split(',')[data] Other then that nice solution. More