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Guido van Rossum
Last seen 8 years ago
Member for 11 years, 1 month, 2 days
Difficulty Normal
Best reviews / Newest reviews
First-Or123 20 1
This is a perfectly acceptable solution for passwords, which are typically not very long. I am going to give you some advice on how to make the function faster, but realize that in practice you won't be able to measure the speedup, unless you are calling this function (and nothing else) millions More
Dijkstra's Forever !-Miaou 10
def checkio(labyrinth): # I'm definetely a fan of Dijkstra's (!!!) Funny, Dijkstra is a person, but you seem to be using his name exclusively to refer the algorithm he published. :-) # Object oriented Dijkstra: each cell contains 3 fields # (and I will More
First-Sim0000 6 2
Nice one! Not a word too many. Still, I couldn't help thinking of what may be an improvement: check for a cycle before putting the path into the queue. It would be something like for next in all_node: if next not in path and {path[-1], next} in network: q.append(path + (next More
First-suic 6
Cool solution! Very clever use of str.split() and a strict interpretation of the input format description (it never actually says that there's exactly one space between each part of the error argument :-). Agreed with all of veki's comments, but those are really just nit-picks, and the code is jus More
__-Cjkjvfnby 4
It's interesting that you prefer making several passes over the input string just to avoid splitting it in case you have a horizontal match. In my own solution I first broke the text up in lines and then searched each line for the word. In the extreme, your approach will find the horizontal matc More
Bunny's simplified-nickie 4
This solution is awesome! I just have one (software engineering) suggestion -- find a better name for the function L(). Maybe just collinear()? (Note that the word has two ells.) Then you can rename the variable just 'row'. Oh, and the arguments should better be called p, q, r instead of x, y, z -- More
Second-bukebuer 4 3
Nice use of defaultdict(set), and I like the optimization of subtracting the best trace from all_nodes. Also, you used the logic I recommended to Sim0000 for putting the cycle detection at the end. But you lose half a point for using reduce(). :-) More
Dynamic Selection-PositronicLlama 4 1
return 1 << (len(stones) - 1) This is probably better written as 2 ** (len(stones) - 1), so the reader doesn't have to know about the obscure left-shift operator and its relationship to powers of two. More
First-Or123 4
'Return True if password strong and False if not' Most programming style guides use "triple double" quotes for docstrings, e.g. """Return True if the password is strong and False if not.""" I also recommend using full grammatical sentences and ending with a period. More
First-Or123 3 1
if __name__ == '__main__': It's hardly necessary to add the 'First' or 'Second' messages to the assert statements, as it prints the failed line in the traceback, so you can see exactly which line went wrong already. Adding a message to assert is useful (a) when there is a framework that supp More
line geometry-bunnychai 3 1
I don't think this solution is particularly clear -- I like your projective math version better, and nickie's simplified version even better (as a puzzle spike). Some software engineering / readability comments (which is mostly my angle these days): "len2" is an odd name -- I'd call it distanc More
A* implementation-altarfinch 3
I had a hard time deciding on the vote. On the plus side, this is a fairly complex algorithm and the implementation is correct as far as I can verify. It also illustrates the A* algorithm nicely. On the minus side, the code is riddled with poor style (pep8.py gave me *44* error message for this file More
Dynamic Selection-PositronicLlama 3
def min_diff(self, stones): What should the answer be if stones is an empty list? I think it should be zero, since the difference between two empty lists is zero. This fits nicely with the difference computed when it is a list with only one item -- then the answer will be equal to that More
Dynamic Selection-PositronicLlama 2
y_size = math.floor(total / 2) + 1 Again, I think you can use // and avoid using the math module: More
Dynamic Selection-PositronicLlama 2
max_size = math.ceil(len(stones) / 2) Use the // operator ("floor division") to do integer division with truncation. The rounding up can be done by adding one first: max_size = (len(stones) + 1) // 2 Although thinking a little more about the algorithm, I think it's oka More
Dynamic Selection-PositronicLlama 2
best = diff At this point you can actually stop if best == 0: if best == 0: return More
Dynamic Selection-PositronicLlama 1
best = math.floor(total / 2) You can use // again here. You can then remove "import math" from your code -- I always get a little sad seeing the (floating-point) math module imported by code that fundamentally deals with integers. More
Dynamic Selection-PositronicLlama 1
return x + x_size * y It's clear that you really want a two-dimensional list; then you could just write table[x][y] instead of table[index(x, y)]. I suppse you've been badly bitten by the bug in this piece of code for creating such a table: # DO NOT USE THIS More
Dynamic Selection-PositronicLlama 1
return approach.min_diff(stones) For extra points, you could run both solutions in parallel threads and stop whenever the first one is done. More
Dynamic Selection-PositronicLlama 1
approach = min(ALGORITHMS, key=lambda algorithm: algorithm.time(stones)) This is cute, but you don't know if the time functions give calibrated results -- the constant factors could be quite different for the two algorithms. I guess it doesn't matter too much, as long as it selects the More
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