2 10 25
1137/ 1195
Awesome Team Srini Maiya
Last seen 8 months ago
Member for 2 years, 7 months, 12 days
Difficulty Normal
Liked mission "Remove All Before"
Remove all the elements before the given one from the array
Liked mission "Missing Number"
Find missing element in unsorted list of arithmetic progression
Liked mission "Morse Clock"
.... --- .-- / -.. --- / -.-- --- ..- / -.- -. --- .-- / .-- .... . -. / .- / -.-. .-.. --- -.-. -.- / .. ... / .... ..- -. --. .-. -.-- ..--.. / .-- .... . -. / .. - / --. --- . ... / -... .- -.-. -.- / ..-. --- ..- .-. / ... . -.-. --- -. -.. ...
Liked mission "The Hidden Word"
Nicola needs a tool that searches for keywords in poetry to help on his English homework.