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Member for 11 years, 6 months, 24 days
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We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.

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First-yarnaid 2
list of filter of lambda... is just list comprehension. return [x for x in data if c[x] > 1] Nice usage of Counter though. :-) More
Discussion [here](https://checkio.org/mission/non-unique-elements/publications/veky/python-3/two-bins/#comment-44259). More
I bet there are better ways...-clamytoe 1
You [win](https://py.checkio.org/mission/most-wanted-letter/publications/veky/python-3/key/?ordering=most_voted&filtering=all) the bet. :-D More
Any suggestions?-ruikang.dai 1
Suggestions? How about [this](https://checkio.org/mission/most-wanted-letter/publications/veky/python-3/key/?ordering=most_voted)? :-) But generally... if you want to map letters to their counts, a dict is much better structure than a list. You can use collections.OrderedDict if you really need to More
I finally got my `yield from`. :-D More
Simple solution-kzantar 1
Many things can be summed, at least conceptually. Look at this: remove `replace_map`, and the transformation in line 8 (`board=game_result`), and replace all `sum`s with `''.join`s (or put `sum=''.join` at the start:). Then, instead of checking for `3` and `-3`, you can check for `XXX` and `OOO`. M More
Generally verbose-smilicic
`d > -1` has the same number of characters as `d >= 0`. :-P Also, `sum(map(operator.eq, str(A), str(B)))`. If you hate importing more than dunders, you can use `str.__eq__`. And `for point in sphere: spheres[d] |= neighbors[point]` is actually shorter than the abomination in line 11. :-] More
First & boring-smilicic 1
There are some nice batteries in itertools for that `for for if == break` pattern. Also, unpacking your cakes would help a bit. And you don't need () inside [] when index is a tuple. More
I see double! :-P And `True if (True if f == s else False) else False` is not really helping. Just return `f == s`. More
Where's the switch? :-o And line 33 should be killed with fire. :-P More
Why don't you sprinkle a few more float()s around your code? :-D Or simply use a normal Python. More
You have a weird definition of "flag". :-) More
Wasn't it easier to for char in text.lower(): instead of lowering each char three times? :-) Also, highest_letter in line 9 should be 'a', right? If there's no letters, all of them have the same count (0), so you should return the _first_ one alphabetically. More
Line 12: HA?! Otherwise, weird ideas of precedence. I don't know any language where modulo has lower precedence than ==. :-) More
Second, learned from the masters-Thenbacker
If I could only know what master taught you to use bare except... I'd put that master in a comfy chair for a long time. :-PP https://realpython.com/blog/python/the-most-diabolical-python-antipattern/ More
First, import datetime-Thenbacker
There are better batteries. calendar, for instance. ;-) More
Exception mishandling-veky
I could suppress the StopIteration near the end, but decided this was enough. :-D More
elegant solution-aksenof
You have a weird definition of "elegant". :-P More
Unitsphery classicism-smilicic 1
... a class which has three methods, one of which is `__init__`, and another one is a staticmethod. :-P Anyway, you can use OO as G-d* intended with a classmethod. @classmethod def from_geo(cls, geo_coords): ... return cls(*map(...)) *] G-d refers to Guido, of course. :-) More
Shadow cliques for breaking rings are no basis for a system of government!-smilicic
No, they [aren't](https://py.checkio.org/mission/break-rings/publications/DiZ/python-3/cycle/?ordering=most_voted&filtering=all). :-P `frozenset((u,v))` looks like an identity crisis. Isn't `frozenset({u,v})` better? :-) And you again with your negated set operations. :-P if not set1 - set2: More