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Member for 11 years, 6 months, 24 days
Difficulty Advanced
We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.

Best reviews / Newest reviews
Missing/nonmissing spaces make this code ugly at a first sight. "curage" is probably misnamed, should be "current_opacity", right? Also, your fib generator is too complicated. Use tuple assignment for great good. :-) def fibgen(): a, b = 0, 1 while b < 5e3: a, b = b More
First-ILQU 1
Your code has a weird mix of using //2, /2 and /2.0. (That's probably the consequence of using Py2.:) Either stay with Py2 (without `from __future__ import division`), use `/2` and `/2.0`, or (much better;) switch to Py3, where you use `//2` and `/2`. Also, length should be properly spelled. Or jus More
First, from string import ascii_lowercase as alphabet letter_stat = dict.fromkeys(alphabet, 0) Then, if 'a' <= ch <= 'z': is completely ok. Or (simpler and more to the point of what you really want to check) if ch in letter_stat: And last, Python has a powerful battery named ma More
A fun fact: checkio can be written as (None, units, tens, hunds)[len(str(number))](number) ;-) And a divmod here and there should definitely help. What you did with `s_hp` (naming a partial result) can also be used with `OTHER_TENS[dt-2]`. You can also strip spaces later with .strip(), so y More
set(map(lambda x: blah, filter(lambda x: cond, spam))) should _really_ be written as {blah for x in spam if cond} It's almost twice shorter, clearer and less noisy. Comprehensions are cool. ;-) And learn to use collections.deque as a queue. ;-) More
First-rojeeer 1
You could at least remove line 18, if you intended to disregard its hint so completely. :-P More
First-rojeeer 1
Factor: for limits in 'az','AZ','09': if not re.search('-'.join(limits).join('[]'), data): return False return len(data) >= 10 More
set one-line-juzzuj
"word for word" literally means unnecessary repetition, right? :-D ",".join(sorted(set(...).intersection(...))) Also, here & would probably be nicer, since things are symmetric. And `set(arg.split(","))` would probably look nicer factored out into a separate function. If you want to eliminate More
set one-liner-juzzuj
Here `str` is completely unnecessary (.split gives a `list` of `str`s). For the rest, see comment to other solution. ;-) More
Of course. But the interesting thing is that you don't have to make a new function at all - since you're just specializing a builtin. checkio = functools.partial(sorted, key=abs) More
Finally !-Juge_Ti
Yes, one of those rare solutions handling all Hund exceptions. :-) More
roundoff = lambda x: '{:.{}f}'.format(x, decimals) if decimals else str(int(x)) return roundoff(number / base**i) + p + suffix Same length, clearer IMO. More
You're overusing `continue`. if 0 <= i < len(grid) and 0 <= j < len(grid[i]) and (i, j) != (row, col): count += grid[i][j] (Or better yet, `yield grid[i][j]` and `sum` it from outside.;) More
That empty line 5 is not really needed, or at least it should be less than empty space in line 14 (which would have to be 2 empty lines in that case:), and of course the context of lines 1, 2 and 15 is also not needed. But line 5 could be filled with a docstring. ;-) Also, Python's `not` operator i More
First - Really simple implementation using sets and frozensets-carel.anthonissen 1
Yes, that is a nice idea. But the implementation can be much nicer. :-) More
Second-isisbinder 1
Little Fermat is cool, but I'm more surprised by the fact that 0-something isn't always the same as -something. :-O More
First, precondition says that all elements of numbers_array are ints. So `int(` in line 4 is unnecessary. Second, you then have for your key lambda x: abs(x) What's that function? Takes x and gives abs(x). I know a much simpler function that does exactly the same. Of course, key=abs Als More
First-aminami1127 1
Doesn't really work generally, but nice thinking. :-) More
Timely Format-JaredGillespie
What do you think lines 4, 5 and 6 do? :-) Also, at the end, `' : '.join`. More
a * -1 is more usually written as -a. :-) More