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Last seen 45 minutes ago
Member for 11 years, 6 months, 7 days
Difficulty Advanced
We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.

Best reviews / Newest reviews
Do the math, O(1)-nickie 2
You could have: * used p in defining q, that way it would be much more clear those are binomial coefs * extracted square root of h in place, instead of twice later * written the return value as max(p(w), n - q(w)) Otherwise, nice solution. And yes, I appreciate documentation, so I can po More
Clean and simple one liner-dshorstein 2 1
Could be simpler, cleaner, _and_ use less memory if you removed the brackets. ''.join(letter for letter in text if letter.isupper()) BTW .istitle is not exactly the same. It is used when the desired output has only first letter of word emphasized by case. Although the test example gives exactl More
A*, Empirically Improved Heuristic-PositronicLlama 2
It's nice and all, but haven't you overengineered it a bit? :-) The board has 64 squares, not a million. :-) More
Perfect Square-goonbee 2 1
A very nice idea. :-) However, the implementation of is_perfect_square could be more robust by using round instead of int. More
generator-Sim0000 2
x for x in blah is probably nicer written as iter(blah). More
Pointless?-veky 2 1
At first sight, this is usual high-order functional stuff. But there are a few puzzling details, in the form of code that should do nothing, but without it, the solution doesn't work. :-] * Why is that "if (push, pop, peek)" there? 3-tuple should always be true, right? * Why is that "and (yiel More
First-freixodachamorra 2 1
Why not simply "return l == list"? Lists are equal, not only their lengths. More
vek-StefanPochmann 2 1
Argh - there _is_ a number between 1 and 3 after all! :-D And that is the number of thumbs you get. :-) More
First-ilih 2
I don't see what's so funny in binary addition. More
First-lerikpav 2 1
date(*date1) and date(*date2) could have been used. More
Like pulling teeth-gileadslostson 2 2
You're aware that you wrote the same thing three times? :-) More
Documented code, with list comprehensions-marat.m 2 1
Specialcasing what shouldn't be specialcased, sorting to find the minimum, list "comprehensions" which do nothing at all... :-/ A perfect example of how you can't fix the bad code by documenting it. :-] * What's wrong with treating 0 the same as all the other numbers? * Imagine you have a thousan More
two lines-VladBark 2
`''.join([...]) ~~~> ''.join(...)` More
Encode and check-veky 2
Inspired by an (algorithmically beautiful, Pythonically ugly:) [RRRQ's solution](http://www.checkio.org/mission/striped-words/publications/RRRQ/python-3/first/). More
Functional generator-nickie 2
chain(*map(f, l)) is what you're probably looking for. ;-) (And it has nothing to do with ChainMap.:) More
try except-bryukh 2 1
Every time you write empty "except", a python dies. :-P More
First (ugly?)-g.david.krupicka 2 1
Nice handling of empty stack. :-) But the end is just return not stack More
Base 3-DiZ 2 1
Nice BFSolution. :-) Here are a few suggestions: list.pop(0) performance is much weaker than it needs to be (linear complexity). For a queue, it's much better to use a collections.deque, and .popleft from it. If you don't want to import collections, and your queue isn't using a huge amout of poplef More
First-theholy7 2 2
You can drop the []. "".join(l for ...) is clearer, more direct, uses less memory, and potentially faster. More
Plain and simple-rodka81 2 1
Iterable doesn't have to support indexing. :-/ More